Recently we were contacted via email by a mother looking to upgrade the radio in her daughter’s Honda Civic. In our email we outlined different radio options for the Civic. To enhance the safety of the daughter’s driving we suggested a Sony radio with Apple CarPlay for the Honda Civic. The mother liked the idea of the handsfree control of the radio so we set up an appointment for the installation.
Honda Civic CarPlay Radio
The generation of Honda Civic the client owns requires a fairly large dash kit for installation. We have used a number of different kits over the years and now use the one pictured in the photos. It offers the best paint match and positioning of the radio. Our technicians installed the radio using the kit and mounted the handsfree microphone and routed the USB cable to the lower console. The Sony radio works great with Apple CarPlay. The client’s daughter can now use navigation, audio streaming and handsfree texting, all from her phone and all without taking her hands off the steering wheel.
Infinity Speaker Upgrade

As with any radio installation after the radio is mounted and wired up we go through and setup all of the radio adjustments. We typically set the clock, save local radio presets and turn off any demo mode settings. While we were checking the sound of the radio and speakers we noticed that the front door speakers sounded like they were in bad shape. We let the client know and she requested we upgrade them while we were working on the car. After removing the door panels we found that the foam surrounds that support the speaker cone were disintegrating. We replaced both front speakers with new Infinity speakers. The Infinity speakers made a big improvement in sound for the front of the Civic.
Backup Camera
One of the options we presented the mother with was a backup camera. The Sony radio can accept a backup camera and will automatically display the output of the camera on the screen when the car is put into reverse. The mother declined the camera for the initial installation but is interested in one for a future upgrade. For more information on Apple CarPlay and how to get it in your vehicle, call or contact us here.
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